Datum van inzending
maandag 10 oktober 2016 15:36

BME2017 Call for Abstracts

Onderstaand bericht ontvingen wij op het secretariaat van de NVKF:

I would like to remind you to the 6th Dutch Conference for Biomedical Engineering in hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan Zee on January 26 and 27, 2017 (http://www.bme2017.nl/)

As a networking conference, you are invited to present your latest work (might already been presented before at another conference), as to give an overview of the developments in the Dutch Biomedical community. The goal of the conference is to meet each other and to discuss new (funding) opportunities within the Netherlands to initiate new research. PhD students are especially encouraged to submit their work, or even their plans. For them it is an opportunity to start building their own network with peer PhD students at other universities. Please submit a 1-page abstract before October 15th, 2016.

The field of Biomedical Engineering is a rapidly developing field, with many breakthroughs at the edge between medical and technical sciences. Therefore, medical scientist as well as engineering scientists are explicitly invited to this conference to discuss their latest insights and discoveries. Scientists from University Medical Centers as well as from the Technical universities will participate.

You are invited for the Snertavond (split pea soup) on the beach and the research market during the famous beer- and wine-party which will be an excellent opportunity for research consortia and institutes to present their work, and for all of us to meet fellow scientists.

We hope to meet you all in January!

On behalf of the organization committee, Frans van der Helm