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donderdag 06 april 2023 11:07

Urgent verzoek vanuit EFOMP

Vanuit de EFOMP heeft de NVKF het verzoek gekregen om 5-10 ziekenhuizen en de contactpersonen in Nederland te identificeren die bereid zijn deel te nemen aan het MARLIN project (zie onderstaande tekst). Indien je bereid bent aan deze enquête mee te werken, geef dit dan door aan Johan Cuijpers (https://www.eibir.org/projects/marlin/, a SAMIRA Study on reporting and learning from patient-related incidents and near misses in radiotherapy, interventional cardiology, nuclear medicine and interventional and diagnostic radiology.

The project will support the implementation of Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom by providing a comprehensive description of the status of incident reporting and elaborating consensus guidelines with recommendations on reporting and learning from patient-related incidents and near misses in radiotherapy, interventional cardiology, nuclear medicine, and interventional and diagnostic radiology in Europe.

The project will shortly launch a survey on the practice and regulation of incident learning systems (ILSs) in Europe (EU-27 plus Norway and Switzerland) in all areas using ionising radiation in medicine, with regard to the implementation of Directive 2013/59/Euratom. 

The survey has been designed in three versions to target

national authorities
national professional societies

We are approaching our NMOs (from the EU-27, Norway and Switzerland with the following requests:

1. to identify a representative selection of 5-10 hospitals in your country covering all radiation risk areas as well as the public and private sectors including a relevant contact person (e.g. the medical physicist in charge of incident reporting) to complete the survey targeted at hospitals.

2. to complete the survey targeted at national professional societies during the month of April. This is intended as a heads-up info. The link to the survey will be shared in a separate email early April.”