Datum van inzending
vrijdag 25 januari 2019 12:52

Medical Physicists meet in Vienna during ECR 2019

The chair of the 2019 European Congress of Radiology Physics Subcommittee Paddy Gilligan and EFOMP would like to invite all Medical Physicists that will attend ECR 2019 in Vienna, Thursday February 27 to March 3, to a sociable early evening drink (non-alcoholic or alcoholic), food and music meeting at Charlie P‘s Pub & Dining, Währinger Str. 3 from 7-9 on the Thursday the 28th of February. Music will be provided by Physicist, EFOMP member and up and coming Irish musician Conor Ward. Please use https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/ecr-physics-subcomittee-efomp-social-evening-tickets-53015693366 to register for the social evening.

EFOMP Communications & Publications committee will welcome you all at EFOMP’s booth located in the ‘International Village’ in the M-Building. Opening hours: Wednesday, February 27, - Saturday, March 1, 2019 10:00-15:00.